Spring 2024 Food Analysis 食品分析

學生回報食品分析數位筆記 (非公開)



測試參考資料 - 題庫資訊系統

b-術科,目前看到最新:20220104。學科選擇題,看 metadata 是 20220707

食品檢驗丙級之學科與術科,阿原上課資料與筆記整理-- 2020 年

請自行下載   學科學科圖術科說明

時間:Wed 15:10-18:00



1. 2023【榜首不傳秘笈大公開】食品技師30天一次攻榜[七版](專技高考)(如果已經有買就好,不用買新版)(建議購買但不強迫。紙本或電子書,自行決定)(紙本 $687,電子書 )

2. 勞動部考試資料。

3. 級食品檢驗分析學術科研讀範本含食品安全衛生及營養共同學科題庫  (2022)( $252) (先等阿原去問,是否有新版)





也說聲抱歉,阿原上學期 12 學分,依照學校規定,下學期只要上 6 學分,但阿原卻是 12 13 學分,超出鐘點(超過負擔且沒有多領錢)。所以這次會修改方式,改變以往阿原一人講課的情況,讓學生主動進行與參與。







Group A 基礎型 A + B + 手寫紙本作業 = 80%)

及格要求只有兩個:1. 出席各自至少六次  2. 完成基本作業

*出席 (10% + 10%):點名 A + B,各自至少出席六次才及格,單項點名達到六次就得 10 分。

*基礎作業 (60%):本課程完成作業,與過去寫食品技師考題的作業模式相同

 點名,預計點名 A 在第 1 節下課前,點名 B 在第 2 節下課前進行

 Group B 追求多分  (A + B + 手寫紙本作業 + 數位筆記 = 100%)


a. 使用不需要註冊就可以閱讀的公開網頁 
b. 可以寫課程實驗內容,或是其他課程、生活筆記等非本課程的內容。



基礎作業 (60%,標配,紙本,手寫,交回前請拍照。紙本作業,請可以自行準備筆記紙或是跟阿原索取模擬考用紙)。

五題,依照考試院的簡答題格式,內容可以參考網路資料或教科書。請在 W16 6/05  前,交給阿原,或是放到  B111 院辦院原抽屜

1. 請說明利用薄層層析法(Thin layer chromatography)測定食品中酸性色素之原理,並寫出將不同型態食品(液態、固態及油脂)之色素抽出步驟。(112 特考 Q3)

2. 請分別說明下列食品中粗脂肪分析的檢測方法與應用:(112 高考三級 Q3)
a. 索氏萃取法(Soxhlet method)
b. 瑞氏法(Röse Gottlieb method)

3. 食品中礦物質,例如鈉及鈣的測定,可使用火焰式原子吸收光譜法(Flame atomic absorption spectrometry),而重金屬,例如鉛及鎘的測定,可使用石墨爐式原子吸收光譜法(Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry),請分別詳述這兩種測定方法之原理及優缺點。(112 第二次食品技師 Q6)

4. 實驗室購有一部天平,說明書記載可讀重量(readability)為 0.1 mg,最大限量(maximum capacity)為 210 g,最小限量(minimum weight, USP, 0.1% typical)為 240 mg。請說明此天平規格之意義、如何符合實驗操作流程之「精確稱定」規範以及維持天平量測誤差應注意事項。
註:USP:指美國藥典之稱量指引 United States Pharmacopeia weighing guideline。
(112 第一次食品技師 Q1)

5. 蝦子因使用亞硫酸鹽做為漂白劑會有二氧化硫含量超標問題,限量標準為 100 ppm,請試述以中和滴定法檢驗之檢測原理與檢測方法。(112 高考二級 Q4)


食品技師考試用書 (若學生有 2022 版本,不用買新的,只要修正部份就好)



Ch01 一般成分分析

Ch02 特定成分分析(氯化鈉、維生素)

Ch03 特定成分分析(重金屬、食品添加物、黴菌毒素、其他毒素)

Ch04 光譜法 (UV-Vis、顏色分析)

Ch05 光譜法、質譜法

Ch06 層析法

Ch07 樣品前處理

Ch08 資料分析


Spring 2024 IHP-EMI Introductory Statistics 統計概論 (全英文授課)


 2024-04-10 Please upload your file with midterm tasks.  


IHP-EMI General education: Introductory Statistics

 (統計概論,全英文授課)   YouTube play list of this course  

 Please join our course groups/請加入課程群組 

In the groups, the use of English is encouraged, but not be limited.

1. Line group (private)

2. LinkedIn (public): International Honors Program at Kainan University: I-Yuan Chiang's course group      (I encourage students to register a LinkedIn account)

About I-Yuan Chiang/One Dollar


How to contact One Dollar? 

1. LINE/LY me (I am always "hanging" on the internet)--the best way!

2. Email me: iychiang1809@gmail.com

3. My office: B970. The ext.  7970 

YouTube:  My teaching video/live-streaming 阿原直播與教學影片

 YouTube-playlist   of this course


 IHP:   International Honors Program at Kainan University/開南大學國際榮譽學程

 EMI: English as aMedium of Instruction/使用英語進行教學

(During class, I speak English only. That is the rule for teachers, and meanwhile someone is "looking at/monitoring" me. But during the break or after class, students can speak Mandarin with me or discuss in the LINE group. However, I would like to encourage non-English native students to practice more in any chance)


I studied my PhD program in the US for several years, and I completely understand the frustration/fear/stress with my not-good English.  Now, I am a teacher, I obligate to help students who are not English native speakers.  Any questions, please let me know.



**As the KNU's policy: faculty members need to take a roll call every week.  One Dollar will follow the policy and check the attendance every week.

**The following grading policy is subject to the policy of KNU and IHP. It would be modified/amended if One Dollar gets the order from supervisor(s). 


Digitize your notes

Student can buy some tools and use them during the class

1. Writing tablet

2. Keyboard and mouse for your cell phone (it would be better if you bring your laptop)

a. Bluetooth: about $400  --easy to use. Charging while using. But might not stable

b. Wireless ($500 - 1000) with an OTG connector ($50)--stable!


 Attendance: According to the KNU policy, faculty should take roll calls every week.

Thus, I will do it every week.

One Dollar's teaching policy

1. Only encouragement, no punishment, no enforcement. 

2. Respect how much effort student want to make for this course, and help them.

Grading policy

(I will determine the details in the beginning of the semester) 

(Students do not need to select groups. One Dollar will)

Group A: want to pass this class (up to 75):

1. At least 6 times of attendance (10%)

2. Attend two open-book exams (65%) (no mater the scores are high or low, you must take these two exams)

*Students who accomplish "all works" in Group B will have higher probability to get One Dollar's letter of recommendation  (if you need)  

Group B: want to pursue higher scores (up 95%  + creative works 5%)

1. At least 10 times of attendance (10%).
2. Two open-book exams (65%)
3. Class assignment on public website or homepage (digital notes)(20%) (please report your student number and website here)
4. Creative works (5%, optional):


About the exams:

Students are allowed to use all kinds of materials and/or tools during the exam, including books, notes, scientific calculator(s), computer(s), and cell phone(s). 

But, students cannot communicate/discuss (either online or on-site) with other students or people during the exams.    

I will try (but no guaranty) to prepare mock exams prior to the exams. 



Please report your website/homepage






Aims of this course

Statistics is a fundamental and powerful tool for business, social science, biology, and other fields. This course will cover some topics, including data descriptions, function plotting, data plotting, types of distribution, estimates, hypothesis tests, and regression. This course helps students learn basic concepts and practical plotting skills in statistics for higher courses.

Textbooks, materials, and resources

Visual Statistics Use R! (Alexey Shipunov, 2021) (open textbook)

Statistics Using Technology (2nd edition, Kathryn Kozak, 2021) (open textbook)

Introductory Statistics (David Lane, 2023. 602 pages) (open textbook)

Dr. Chiang edits sample questions for the practice session

Software/Apps for statistical analysis and plotting

*Google spreadsheet (free to use)

*LibreOffice Calc (free to use)

*R (free to use)

*Python and Matplotlib (free to use)

*Cell phone APPs

Scientific calculator or APPs/computer

Students are encouraged to have a scientific calculator/cell phone APPs/computer for the practice session.


Some useful open textbooks and materials

An Open Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms

Social Data Analysis--541 pages. 2023

Prealgebra via Python Programming: First Steps to Perform Large Scale Computational Tasks in the Sciences and Engineerings

An Intuitive, Interactive, Introduction to Biostatistics  2023

Data Analysis in the Psychological Sciences: A Practical, Applied, Multimedia Approach 2023

Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis  2001

Big Data for Epidemiology: Applied Data Analysis Using National Health Surveys   2022

Statistics for Research Students  2022 (109 pages. No good for undergraduate students. This book is like a reminder to graduate students)

Introduction to Applied Statistics for Psychology Students  2022


Spring 2024 Organic Chemistry 有機化學

時間:Tue 09:10-12:00







Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry (Malik)



Ch01 Bonding in organic compounds 


Ch02 Nomenclature and physical properties of organic compounds


Ch03 Stereochemistry


Ch04 Organic reactions  


Ch05 Carbohydrates  


Ch06 Lipid 


Ch07 Proteins    


Ch08 Nucleic acids


Ch09 Food to energy metabolic pathways   



分數 = 點名 A (10%) + 點名 B (10%) + 期中考 (25%) + 期末考 (25%) + 課堂作業 (30%)


及格要求:1. 出席至少六次  2. 完成考試及課堂作業

*出席:兩次點名 A, B,至少出席六次,一次一分,最高出席占 10 分。

*期中考 (W08--04/09)

*期末考 (W17--06/11)






 (本進度表) 本次有機化學課程影片 (YouTube)


本立體影像取自 molveiw.org

Spring 2024 IHP-EMI-Academic Writing and Presentation (Egnlish only) 學術寫作與簡報 (全英文授課)

Dedication 獻給 

This course with my appreciation to the course EDUC 578 and 579 (TA and English courses for non-English native speakers) at Cornell University in Fall 2003 and Spring 2004, where I learned the importance and skills of presentation (neither in Taiwan nor at Taiwan University)

僅將此課程獻給美國康乃爾大學助教英文課 EDUC 578 及 579,是我學到簡報技巧的地方(而不是在台灣或台灣大學)。


IHP-EMI General education: Academic writing and presentation


 I encourage non-IHP students to enroll this course (but only for manually enrolling)

歡迎非 IHP 學生手動加選。

Time: Monday 1510 - 1700

Classroom: B409 (since week 02)

 Please join our course groups/請加入課程群組 

In the groups, the use of English is encouraged, but not be limited.

1. Line group (private)

2. LinkedIn (public): International Honors Program at Kainan University: I-Yuan Chiang's course group      (I encourage students to register a LinkedIn account)

About I-Yuan Chiang/One Dollar


How to contact One Dollar? 

1. LINE/LY me (I am always "hanging" on the internet)--the best way!

2. Email me: iychiang1809@gmail.com

3. My office: B970. The ext.  7970 

YouTube:  My teaching video/live-streaming 阿原直播與教學影片

 YouTube-playlist   of this course


IHP:   International Honors Program at Kainan University/開南大學國際榮譽學程

 EMI: English as a Medium of Instruction/使用英語進行教學

(During class, I speak English only. That is the rule for teachers, and meanwhile someone is "looking at/monitoring" me. But during the break or after class, students can speak Mandarin with me or discuss in the LINE group. However, I would like to encourage non-English native students to practice more in any chance)


I ever studied my PhD program in the US for several years, and I completely understand the frustration/fear/stress with my not-good English.  Now, I am a teacher, I obligate to help students who are not English native speakers.  Any questions, please let me know.



 Playlist on YouTube: Academic Writing and Presentation 本課程直播與影片

1. During class, you can use cell phone/laptop and watch the live stream and turn on the English captions 上課時,您可以看直播,開啟自動英文字幕

2. After class, you may replay the video and use the auto-translate of captions to your language 您可以看重播,可以使用自動翻譯功能,讓字幕呈獻您的語言








Some terms

Do one's best/do all one can/make every effort... and other synonyms

The atonyms

Perfunctory/goof off/phone it in/give someone the runaround/go through the motions/quick and dirty/sticking-plaster/

Digitize your notes

Student can buy some tools and use them during the class

1. Writing tablet

2. Keyboard and mouse for your cell phone (it would be better if you bring your laptop)

a. Bluetooth: about $400  --easy to use. Charging while using. But might not stable

b. Wireless ($500 - 1000) with an OTG connector ($50)--stable!


 Attendance: According to the KNU policy, faculty should take roll calls every week.

Thus, I will do it every week.

One Dollar's teaching policy

1. Only encouragement, no punishment, no enforcement. 

2. Respect and help students' choice (how much effort they want to make for this course)

Grading policy

(Unless supervisors ask me to modify the grading policy. Otherwise, I will use it)

(I will determine the details in the beginning of the semester) 

In the first week, One Dollar will suggest students to select either group A or B (by a questionnaire)(students who do not select a group will be classified as Group A).

Group A  (Basic workload)

**The score is up to 75

Requirements to pass this course

1. Attendance: least 6 times/weeks (10%. Student gets 10 marks as long as his or her attendance reaches 6 times)

2. An assay (about 300 words for each part)(65%)

Decide a topic, and then:

Part 1: a draft: Just write it without software corrections or referring examples (about 300 words)

Part 2:  AI generated essay for the same topic

Part3: you may have your article after referring AI or other resources, and make it better (300 words)

Please up load your assignment (for Group A only) (link)


Group B  (intermediate to heavy workload)

**The minimum score is 80. And plus 10% of creative work to be 100. {some students attended the Mandarin reading compitition or publish a poster in a comference, and it will be part of this creative work}

*Students who select group B and finish "all works" will have higher probability to get One Dollar's letter of recommendation  (if you need)  


1. Attendance: at least 10 times/weeks {some students enrolled this class from week02 or 03. I will take care of this.}

2. Two times of formal "writing and oral presentation" (on week 9-April 18 and Week16-June 03) [one in presentation slides, and the other is an A0 A1 size poster file]

3. Class assignment: at least 10  8 times/weeks of interaction/practices/assignments in class (students will writing and then present during the class) {some students reponsed that there are two holidays in our course. Thus I decided to chage it from 10 times to 8}{Two times of formal presentations are included into this part}



Students can switch from group B to A any time as they want (So, I encourage student to select Group B first). 

In addition, One Dollar will change the group's list (and announce it) if students cannot catch the schedule and accomplish the class assignment or other requirements.   

Students who do more than group A not do not accomplish all requirements of Group B, the scores will be 70–80. 


Optional works -Creative works for group B (10%, optional).  For example: 

* Digital notes  *Publish an academic poster  *Translation work  

*running project(s) related to this course  *Attend the "reading and expression competition/閱讀與表達競賽" from KNU [5 marks for registoring the competition, and 10 marks if students win the prize]


*Others (please discuss with One Dollar in advance)


One Dollar's style of writing format-- some sections

First, if you think that you do not need do your best on the task (including One Dollar's class) ---> use AI to generate the article [accomplish the mission and save your time].  

Second,  if you consider that is important and you want to and eager to learn and internalize the skills/knowledge to yours: you might follow One Dollar's comments. Please reservate all parts of your writing


a. Writing a draft  without spelling correction on office or website editor (One Dollar will demonstrate it) .

You may check terms/sentences you do not know or not confident to use.

Like: "phenamenon "(x)   -----> check dictionary or reliable website  ---->   "phenomenon "(o)

Like: "Please make some selling slogan for the new product."---> not good. "Please make some advertising slogan for the new product."--->better.

----> Reserve this draft-01. Copy and paste the draft to next step.

b. Spelling correction on your draft (but no correction on grammar this time)

 ----> Reserve this draft-02. Copy and paste the draft to next step.

c. Use AI to generate an article to the topic (copy and paste to your note)

----> Keep the AI generated article.

d. Grammar/writing/spell correction tools on the draft.

----> Reserve this draft-03. Copy and paste the draft to next step.

(For important articles, One Dollars uses three kinds of tools to correct the writing)

e. finalize your manuscript. 

----> Proofread it again (if you change/revise it, you may use grammar-spell tools to recheck it)  and DONE. 



 ----------Annual meeting/conference/seminar--Research posters/academic posters



UNSW   Write Your Essay (structure: introduction + body + conclusion)


 -----------------------Open Textbooks----


 Web Writing - First Edition 2023 (66 pages)


 World History Since 1500: An Open and Free Textbook

 World History Volume 1: to 1500

World History, Volume 2: From 1400 Volume 2 


 Introduction to College Research 2021

 Reading and Writing Successfully in College: A Guide for Students (2022??  259 pages)

 Preparing to Publish  2023 (152 pages)

  Supporting English Language Learners in First-Year College Composition  2023 (441  pages)

Processes: Writing Across Academic Careers   2023 (224 pages)

 Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project - 2nd Edition  2005

 Writing Rhetorically: Framing First Year Writing  ??

The Commons: Tools for Reading, Writing, and Rhetoric   2022 (224 pages)

Practicing and Presenting Social Research ??

Who Teaches Writing 2021 

Legal Writing I & II: Legal Research and Writing & Introduction to Litigation Practice   2020

Technical Writing and Simple Statistics : for laboratory classes 2022

 Writing as Inquiry: A Guide to WR 121 at the University of Oregon 2022

 Intersections of Open Educational Resources and Information Literacy 2022


 Intermediate College Writing: Building and Practicing Mindful Writing Skills  2022


The University of Queensland  Academic Writing Skills      

 24 Oral Presentations 



Here are some useful websites about academic writing and presentation in Mandarin






How to writing a dedication

10 Examples of Book Dedications + Tips To Help You Write One (by Gloria Russell, posted on Dec 5, 2023)





From supervisors about the Reading and presentation competition (with prizes)

 Supervisors encourage IHP student to join it and win a prize.


(1)例如設定主題,分別由學生及Chat GPT撰寫文章,再由教師引導學生比對分析。


(Before the official translation of competition rules, One Dollar uses Google Translate to do it. No warranty for correctness)

1122 (= Spring semester in 2024) Chinese language reading expression ability for students

1. Joint standards/implementation of course implementation
1. Setting student reading amount
(1) Teacher's requirements for students to read as little as possible / view more than 10 sentences / audio recordings / video clips / theme type number wide distribution (distribution), etc., content for reading / material-dependent course nature teaching section teacher guidance / individual selection, inclusive formulas A number of medial sources or informative texts.
(2) Knowledge-centered design Google table provided by teachers for use by students, Google table registered by students to read the subject content and review, and use statistics for the whole school.
(3) Proposal submission result total, for example, 10% proportional to the result.
2. Introductory math skills, AI generation tools
(1) Examples of set themes, classification of students and Chat GPT selections, re-analyzing teacher-guided students.
(2) For example, students may choose interesting themes, each family can write the same way, and after reading and understanding, they can read the information in a consistent manner, and then re-distribute it to others.

2. End of term competition (expressed ability) performance exhibition
1.Contest work type/item
(1) Short shadow sound (3-5 minute bell)
(2) Marine report production/handmade wall report
(3) Producing briefings
(4) Colloquial language list (3-minute bell electric ladder brief report)
(5) Textbook reading tips
2. End-of-year report on competition works, number of winners recommended by teachers in each group, outstanding works selected by reviewers, and distribution of prize money/deduction.
3.Special benefits for non-registered students of the established IHP course
4. Regulations for the opening of the 5th week of the competition

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