2023-10-27 Grading policy is changing! Please check related information
IHP-EMI General education: Understanding Foods and Nutrition
Please join our course groups/請加入課程群組
In the groups, the use of English is encouraged, but not be limited.
1. Line group (private)
2. LinkedIn (public): International Honors Program at Kainan University: I-Yuan Chiang's course group (I encourage students to register a LinkedIn account)
About I-Yuan Chiang/One Dollar
How to contact One Dollar?
1. LINE/LY me (I am always "hanging" on the internet)--the best way!
2. Email me: iychiang1809@gmail.com
3. My office: B970. The ext. 7970
YouTube: My teaching video/live-streaming 阿原直播與教學影片
YouTube-playlist of this course
IHP: International Honors Program at Kainan University/開南大學國際榮譽學程
EMI: English as aMedium of Instruction/使用英語進行教學
(During class, I speak English only. That is the rule for teachers, and meanwhile someone is "looking at/monitoring" me. But during the break or after class, students can speak Mandarin with me or discuss in the LINE group. However, I would like to encourage non-English native students to practice more in any chance)
I ever studied my PhD program in the US for several years, and I completely understand the frustration/fear/stress with my not-good English. Now, I am a teacher, I obligate to help students who are not English native speakers. Any questions, please let me know.
And, you will be there:
University of Wisconsin - River Falls | University of Wisconsin ..
YouTube: University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Zip code: 54022 (in weather.com)--Yes, Fahrenheit (not Celsius) is commonly used in the USA, you need to adapt yourself to it.
University of California, Riverside: UC Riverside
YouTube: Univ. of California, Riverside
Zip code 92521 (in weather.com)
-----Next: Stock market-------
One Dollar used to live in Ithaca, NY (14850, main campus of Cornell University) and Geneva, NY (14456, Geneva campus)
Syllabus (This table)
About this course
(please check the embedded slides above)
Take digital notes
How to call me?
My name on the passport is I-Yuan Chiang/江易原 (Chiang read as similar to "John")
1. One Dollar (I like people to call my nickname. When I was a PhD student in the US, my advisor Dr. Thomas Henick-Kling and all collegues also called me One Dollar in most times.)
----(We use "Dr." and full name only a few formal situations, like introducing speakers in a seminar or ceremony)
2. Dr. I-Yuan Chiang (only in formal meetings or others)
(Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, formally called Chiang Kai-shek International Airport)(the same spelling in English: Chiang. But different in Mandarin)
Foods and Nutrition (認識食品與營養) By
Dr. I-Yuan Chiang/江易原(本次為全英文授課之通識)
Credit: 2
Course objectives and features
*An understanding of how food safety, sanitation, and regulations affect our daily life.
*An understanding of nutrition and health problems associated with food and diet.
1. Lectures
2. Discussion
3. Laboratory: Some interesting topics, for example, how to use sanitizer to prepare safe drinking water, and an important item of EGS.
4. Translation
Grading policy
10/27 I try to change some rules that are able to encourage/stimulate students to share their ideas.
(the following are temporary, students and I will discuss having a good grading way)
No exams or quizzes (unless students want that)
0. Interactions/group discussion during class (0%, 18% but required) One of the important policy of IHP is to encourage each student to say something and interact during class (to practice oral skills that are important in the US).
I abbey the rules.
Notice: No ponishment, no enforcement, and only encourangement
Students will be separated assigned into several groups. Each group members need to Students can "say something" at least once in the week of class.
For example: Student A, B, C, D, and E in Group 1. When A and B share/answer something, the next turn will be the other student to share/answer.
About say something, I hope student can:
*Answer or ask question(s): Students can either answer or ask any question related to the current topic.
*Share important issues or news related to the lectures:
*Share your considerations/opinions/ideas: What are the problems/situations/laws in your country/US/Taiwan. Do you have any ideas to solve the problem? Does the solution bring new business models?
----->Do not worry! The part is 0% 18%. It means this part is not related to your score. Thus, feel easy happy to interact in the class.
This new change will be availble from 2023/10/30 (we have 11 weeks to go).
Students who "say something" can get 2 points in a class (up to 2 point for a week). And 18 points for this semester.
Attendance (12%, required).
*As KNU's policy, faculty/teachers should take the
attendance every week during the class. One mark for each attendance a week, up to 12 marks
*Notice: IHP's policy: students will be failed if the absence reaches 1/3 or more. Generally, I take the roll call in the beginning of the second class.
2. Oral presentation with slides (60%, required) (5 minutes)
IHP students need to present in English.
For other students, you can use language as you want. (But I may not understand your language)
3. Report (18%, optional. Focus on academic writing. Please discuss the format with any IHP teacher). ------This part will be a new course in the spring semester-----
The report can be in print or digital form (If in ditical form, it can be a part of digital notes).
*Select a topic related to this course.
*Conduct research (or literature review)
*Five basic structure of a report: introduction, methods, results and discussion (500 - 1,000 words is OK)
*Academic writing is different from spoken English. For freshman, it is never too early.
*Citation and reference--what you must learn. (You can check this:
How do I cite a report in APA? From Walden University, How To Write An
Academic Report from Middlesex University Lodon, or similar articles)
4. Digital notes (5%, optional). I encourage students to take and show your digitized notes. Slides for presentation can be part of digital notes.
5. Translation or creative works (5%, optional):
Please tell me your idea/plan/project prior to do this work.
5a. For non-English native speakers: You can translate documents from WHO/FAO or other organizations into your mother language.
5b. For English native speakers: You can (1) translate useful information into
English, such as food or nutrition guidelines written in Taiwanese
Mandarin. (2) correct the English (laws/regulations/guidelines) from The Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan. The competence authorities outsourced the translation works, however, some translations were horrible. And you can help correct them.
5c. Other work (you can discuss your ideas with One Dollar in advance)
If students are confident/positive/aggressive/self-driven, we can collaborate to publish book(s) or open textbook(s) with ISBNs (or you can do yourself, and I can help). Thus, you will have book(s) before graduation or departure to the US. If the translated documents or textbook(s) (PDF files or paper-print) can be downloaded or circulated, and it will be a great contribution to introducing such knowledge in his/her country.
Learning materials and textbooks
Open licensed materials will be used in this course, and that include documents from FAO and WHO, US, Australia, UK. Thus, students can get those documents for free and materials are legal to use.
Open Textbook
Comparisons of the Codex Alimentarius Principles of Nutrition Labelling and Relevant Guidelines of Taiwan and the United States (2021, bilingual)(Open Textbook Library, University of Minnesota.)-Two KNU students and One Dollar have done the work in 2022
The following topics may be adjusted as new events coming up.
01. About this course
02. What are food? What are nutrients/nutrition
03. Nutrition labeling on packaged/prepackaged foods
04. Nutrition labeling and its applications
05. Food sources of minerals and their functions
06. Food sources of vitamins and their functions
07. Food safety and sanitation: microbiological issues
08. Food safety and sanitation: chemical issues
09. Food poisoning: cases and statistics
10. Food poisoning: how to prevent
11. How much calories do we need? (with a PhET simulation)
12. Obesity, calories, exercise, and health
13. Food microbiology and fermented foods
14. Food chemistry and food properties
15. Food fortification: adding nutrients into foods
16. Student presentation
17. Student presentation
18. Course review and discussion
For 3 -5 min group discussion, I use google timer
A US sake master's recipe for successーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS (3m42s)
DW Documentary
Junk food, sugar and additives - The dark side of the food industry | DW Documentary
EMI 美國超市產品,與食品及營養標示
EMI 語音輸入法
Some useful websites
Dr. Yu-Ta Chen suggests a great web for translation
MS AI reading
KNU taking a roll call policy
(they did not have it in English, thus I used Google Translate without proof-reading--it is not my duty)
Dear teachers, please teach:
In order to increase student attendance and meet the needs of the Ministry of Education for teaching quality inspection and school evaluation, teachers must take roll call every week and there should be clear records.
Teachers are requested to publicize to students that roll call will be held every week. In order to prevent teachers from being unable to provide relevant paper roll call records during temporary inspections, teachers are required to log attendance and absence data for each week's classes into the academic information system after roll call in class. , in order to quickly submit student attendance information. System operating instructions are attached.
This login system is only for teachers’ reference and to provide supporting evidence. The Academic Affairs Office will not take any action against students due to absence registration; the early warning of "not showing up for class in the past four weeks" and the assignment of "not showing up for class for 1/3 of this semester" at the end of the semester are still A separate login is required.
Please do not only check attendance or absence, so as not to cause trouble for students to apply for various scholarships or internships. Please select all attendance first, and then change the non-attendance to absence or leave.
Teaching Resource Center
---I was holding J-1 visa to study in the US
School of Business and Economics
- Accounting and Finance: Our Accounting and Finance Department curriculum provides students with a strong foundation and prepares them for careers in high-growth, in-demand fields.
- Economics: Internships are encouraged in the Economics Department, where experienced faculty bring decades of experiences and knowledge to the classroom.
- Management and Marketing: Offering both foundational skills and the most current management and marketing skills, our Management and Marketing Department prepares students for a wide variety of careers.
Marketing Lower Division 23 cr. hrs.
ECON 226 Introduction to Statistics
or MATH 226 Fundamentals of Statistics 3 cr.
or equivalent upon Chair's approval
--no further courses about statistics
Management Lower Division 23 cr. hrs.
ECON 226 Introduction to Statistics
or MATH 226 Fundamentals of Statistics 3 cr.
or equivalent upon Chair's approval
Economics Major
Major Requirements 42-44 Total Credits
ECON 226 Introduction to Statistics
or MATH 226 Fundamentals of Statistics 3 cr.
or equivalent upon Chair's approval
MATH 326--Applied Statistics
MATH 327---Applied Regression Analysis
MATH 356--- Probability
MATH 357---Mathematical Statistics