Spring 2025 飲食與疾病專論 Special Topics on Diet and Disease


本課程與高老師合開,阿原負責前 6 週課程,高老師負責後 12 周課程

時間:週四 0910 -1200

教室:(阿原是前六週,在 B810 上課)

評分方式(阿原部份沒有考試,占 33%,高老師部份 67%):

1. 作業:選一個研討會,選一個主題,投稿摘要的格式,寫一篇摘要

a. 研討會如 食科年會  營養年會   或自己有興趣的領域 (國外年會研討會也可以)    



格式是最好學的,練習一次就會。同時要知道如何使用軟體。例如阿原與合作夥伴就使用 google office, 這樣不但可以進習共編,還可以有簡單的版本控制(版本控制與備份,可能是不起眼,但可能是重要的數位技能,沒事就沒事,萬一有狀況,若沒有備份,就會很慘,這些阿原不是從指導教授學到的,而多數是自己學,或是夥伴分享)




2. 第六周(03/25)上台報告:每人 10 分鐘  (8 分鐘報告,2 分鐘問答)




A. 請回報您的主題(回報後可以修改)

B. 如何回傳摘要? 請在自己的 google 硬碟,開一個簡報檔或文字檔(鼓勵使用 google 簡報,編輯圖表比文字方便。然後設定與阿原共享,阿原的 email: iychiang1809@gmail.com  這部份不會公開,阿原會在第六周前完成修改及建議。)(請在第五周 3/20 週日 2100 完成,讓阿原有時間修改)


至於使用 Office (google Office, LibreOffice, MS Office 等),設定論文格式,設定自動化章節標題、設定題表標題等,都是要學的,而且是自己主動要學,通常不是老師或指導教室主動教

C. 請上傳您的簡報:強力鼓勵使用 google 簡報,請在 3/26 週三 2100 前完成(簡報檔名:學號+姓O名,例如  M1234567-江O原)





1. 吃喝下去,可能生病

a. 食品中毒(化學、生物)

b. 食物過敏 

c. 其他

2. 不吃或不足,可能生病:

短期:必需營養素。 長期:纖維素

3. 熱量與飲食:過多多少都可能生病

4. 食療:飲食與保健功能


5. 酒類:是好還是壞? 



1. 危害健康的項目不少,如空氣污染、遺傳、飲水、交通事故、職安事故等,飲食只是其中一項,而且飲食的任務不只提供足夠的熱量與營養素,是文化(如月餅、烤肉-1980年代之後、湯圓、粽子等),也是人與人的交流(交際應酬談生意、家庭時間、朋友聚會等),因此不能只用依照命理(如漢文化的生辰八字、西方占星術。不討論相不相信、不討論是否有科學證據)




預計實作 (這部份,是否修課的學生們願意分攤費用及協助採購?)

1. 科學研究指出,飲食中的鋁,可能造成人類生病。請問,種植茶,喝茶怎麼辦?含鋁的食品添加物有哪些? (其實我們已經吃很多鋁明礬類的食品添加物)

實作: a. 泡茶   b. 製作雞蛋糕 (使用無鋁泡打粉。是真的有健康風險?還是行銷手法?)


實作:預計製作香腸,分兩種,一種有添加亞硝酸鹽(添加量之計算,是阿原在大一的考試題目) ,另一種不添加。

3. 酒。國際癌症研究組織把酒列為第一類的致癌物質(請問如何查詢?相關資料),但除了宗教,多數國家沒有禁酒,這是為何?有研究指出,紅酒的多酚類化合物,對健康有幫助,請問,吃紅葡萄皮有用嗎?如果喝紅酒補充多酚類,會不會沒享受到好處,先酒精中毒?漢民族的黃酒(紹興酒、紅鹿酒等),據說有益健康,請問有科學證據嗎?我們透過文獻查詢,來認識酒,真的那麼嚴重嗎?


a. 熱量與美味

 b. 食材是否有風險?

c. 包材是否有污染?

Spring 2025 Food Processing 食品加工


時間:週三 1510-1800




1. 要走醫院實習這條路,要把握時間寒假準備大會考(分數佔一半),過去主科成績佔一半,進行抽醫院的排序。後續依然是很苦的路,大家繼續加油

2. 要走就業或創業路線,可以參加商學院財金或創業、行銷等課程(旁聽或修課都可以)

3. 要走升學(如國內或國外的碩士班),一定要準備,



 Group A 基礎型 80%)

及格要求只有兩項:1. 兩個課程出席至少 8 次        2. 完成上台報告 8 次,每人每次報告 25 - 40 分鐘  (可以使用簡報軟體或文字編輯軟體,阿原會提供食品加工相關的開放式英文教材---請見網頁下方或英文論文,學生可以使用軟體翻譯後,整理,進行報告)(簡報能力非常重要,但我們的課程設計,很少有機會讓大家整理資料製作成簡報檔案,以及上台練習,所以這課程要讓大家實際練習。)(同時鼓勵大家使用英文簡報)

*出席 (10% + 10%):點名 A + B,各自至少出席六次才及格,單項點名達到六次就得 10 分。

 點名,預計點名 A 在第 1 節下課前,點名 B 在第 2 節下課前進行


 Group B 追求多分  (20%。額外上台報告 + 數位筆記,如實作課程的筆記)



 4/02 週三校慶補假一天


 預計使用開放式教科書 :  Food Processing 




2. Olive Processing: Influence of Some Crucial Phases on the Final Quality of Olive Oil

By Lucia Morrone, Annalisa Rotondi, Francesca Rapparini and Gianpaolo Bertazza


3. Powder Technology

By Suzana Caetano da Silva Lannes and Maria Elena Del Dolores Bernal Gómez


5. Microbiological Quality of Chicken Meat Fed with Olive Leaves (Olea europaea L.)

By Cristiane Marangoni, Alexandre José Cichoski and Juliano Smanioto Barin


6. Autochthonous Breeds of Republic of Serbia and Valuation in Food Industry: Opportunities and Challenges

By Čedomir Radović, Milica Petrović, Marija Gogić, Dragan Radojković, Vladimir Živković, Nenad Stoiljković and Radomir Savić



7. High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatment of Meat Products

By Rosa María García-Gimeno and Guiomar Denisse Posada Izquierdo


8. Gamma Irradiation and High Hydrostatic Pressure Applied to Hamburger Conservation

By Michelle Guimarães Horta, Fabiana Regina Lima, Carlos Alberto Gois Suzart and Poliana Mendes de Souza




10. Effect of Polyethylene Glycol 3350 on the Handling Properties of Low Salt Wheat Dough Formulations

By Andrea K. Stone, Aleksandar Yovchev, Pierre J. Hucl, Martin G. Scanlon and Michael T. Nickerson


11. Glycation of Animal Proteins Via Maillard Reaction and Their Bioactivity

By Blanca Areli Mondaca-Navarro, Roberto Rodríguez Ramírez, Alma Guadalupe Villa Lerma, Luz Angelica Ávila Villa and Gabriel Davidov Pardo

12. Packaging Design Alternatives for Meat Products

By Nícolas Mazzola and Claire I.G.L. Sarantopoulos

Spring 2025 Organic Chemistry 有機化學






Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry (Malik)



Ch01 Bonding in organic compounds 


Ch02 Nomenclature and physical properties of organic compounds


Ch03 Stereochemistry


Ch04 Organic reactions  


Ch05 Carbohydrates  


Ch06 Lipid 


Ch07 Proteins    


Ch08 Nucleic acids


Ch09 Food to energy metabolic pathways   



基本要求 (90%) 分數 = 點名 A (10%) + 點名 B (10%) + 期中考 (35%) + 期末考 (35%)= 90 

選配 (10%): 數位筆記或特殊表現


及格要求:1. 出席至少六次  2. 完成考試或課堂作業

*期中考 (W09--04/17)

*期末考 (W17--06/12)








Spring 2025 IHP-EMI Introductory Statistics 統計概論 (全英文授課)

IHP-EMI General education: Introductory Statistics

Time: Monday 1510-1800

A405 computer classroom (no food or no drink in the computer classroom. You may walk out to eat or drink any time)


 (統計概論,全英文授課)   YouTube play list of this course  

 Please join our course groups/請加入課程群組 

In the groups, the use of English is encouraged, but not be limited.

1. Line group (private)

2. LinkedIn (public): International Honors Program at Kainan University: I-Yuan Chiang's course group      (I encourage students to register a LinkedIn account)

About I-Yuan Chiang/One Dollar

How to contact One Dollar? 

1. LINE/LY me (I am always "hanging" on the internet)--the best way!

2. Email me: iychiang1809@gmail.com

3. My office: B970. The ext.  7970 

YouTube:  My teaching video/live-streaming 阿原直播與教學影片

 YouTube-playlist   of this course

Digitize your notes

Students can buy some tools and use them during the class (or you may use the computer(s) in the A405)

1. Writing tablet

2. Keyboard and mouse for your cell phone (it would be better if you bring your laptop)

a. Bluetooth: about $400  --easy to use. Charging while using. But might not stable

b. Wireless ($500 - 1000) with an OTG connector ($50)--stable!


 Attendance: According to the KNU policy, faculty members should take roll calls every week. Thus, I will do it every week.

One Dollar's teaching policy

1. Only encouragement, no punishment, no enforcement. 

2. Respect how much effort student want to make for this course, and help them.

Grading policy

(I will determine the details in the beginning of the semester) 

(Students do not need to select groups. One Dollar will)

Group A: (required) want to pass this class (up to 80):

1. At least  2/3 attendance (10%)

2. Two open-book exams (70%) (no mater the scores are high or low, you must take these two exams)

a. Midterm: Week09 on 4/19 (April 19)

b. Final: Week17 on 6/09 (June 09)

*Students who accomplish "all works" in Group B will have higher probability to get One Dollar's letter of recommendation  (if you need)  

Group B: (optional ) Students who  want to pursue higher scores (the other 20%)

1. Fulfill the requirements if the Group A
2.  Class assignment or notes on public website or homepage (digital notes)(20%) (please report your student number and website.    And  here is the students' notes from last year.

Students can use their homepage/website (if they already have that)
3. Creative works, such as publish academic poster(s) or book(s)


About the exams:

Students are allowed to use all kinds of materials and/or tools during the exam, including books, notes, scientific calculator(s), computer(s), and cell phone(s). 

But, students cannot communicate/discuss (either online or on-site) with other students or people during the exams.    

I will try (but no guaranty) to prepare mock exams prior to the exams. Or you can check old exams and explanations to the questions on my YouTube channel  








Aims of this course

Statistics is a fundamental and powerful tool for business, social science, biology, and other fields. This course will cover some topics, including data descriptions, function plotting, data plotting, types of distribution, estimates, hypothesis tests, and regression. This course helps students learn basic concepts and practical plotting skills in statistics for higher courses.

Textbooks, materials, and resources

Visual Statistics Use R! (Alexey Shipunov, 2021) (open textbook)

Statistics Using Technology (2nd edition, Kathryn Kozak, 2021) (open textbook)

Introductory Statistics (David Lane, 2023. 602 pages) (open textbook)

Dr. Chiang edits sample questions for the practice session

Software/Apps for statistical analysis and plotting

*Google spreadsheet (free to use)

*LibreOffice Calc (free to use)

*R (free to use)

*Python and Matplotlib (free to use)

*Cell phone APPs

Scientific calculator or APPs/computer

Students are encouraged to have a scientific calculator/cell phone APPs/computer for the practice session.


Some useful open textbooks and materials

An Open Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms

Social Data Analysis--541 pages. 2023

Prealgebra via Python Programming: First Steps to Perform Large Scale Computational Tasks in the Sciences and Engineerings

An Intuitive, Interactive, Introduction to Biostatistics  2023

Data Analysis in the Psychological Sciences: A Practical, Applied, Multimedia Approach 2023

Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis  2001

Big Data for Epidemiology: Applied Data Analysis Using National Health Surveys   2022

Statistics for Research Students  2022 (109 pages. No good for undergraduate students. This book is like a reminder to graduate students)

Introduction to Applied Statistics for Psychology Students  2022




Spring 2025 Food Analysis 食品分析

時間:Mon 1110-1400
教室:B810 生物實驗室



 Group A 基礎型 80%)

及格要求只有兩個:1. 出席各自至少六次  2. 完成上台報告六次,每次 25 min (可以使用簡報軟體,阿原會提供食品檢驗分析相關的開放式英文教材或英文論文,學生可以使用軟體翻譯後,整理,進行報告)(簡報能力非常重要,但我們的課程設計,很少有機會讓大家整理資料製作成簡報檔案,以及上台練習,所以這課程要讓大家實際練習。)(同時鼓勵大家使用英文簡報,歡應)

*出席 (10% + 10%):點名 A + B,各自至少出席六次才及格,單項點名達到六次就得 10 分。

 點名,預計點名 A 在第 1 節下課前,點名 B 在第 2 節下課前進行

 Group B 追求多分  (20%。額外上台報告 + 數位筆記 。)




  53 漸    


測試參考資料 - 題庫資訊系統

b-術科,目前看到最新:20220104。學科選擇題,看 metadata 是 20220707

食品檢驗丙級之學科與術科,阿原上課資料與筆記整理-- 2020 年

請自行下載   學科學科圖術科說明



