Fall 2024 IHP-EMI General education: Understanding Foods and Nutrition (English only. 全英文授課)
--開放式課程 OpenCourseWare
(Video playlist on YouTube)
Time: Monday, 1610 - 1800
I have a lecture on the first class. Then on the second class is the student discussion time.
on the nationality, students will be grouped evenly with their
nationality or native language. I will the diverse the members in a
1. Human Nutrition: 2020 Edition
Authors: University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Food Science and Human Nutrition Program
Sorangel Rodriguez-Velazquez, American University (2016)
Report your website with digital notes (click here)
How to contact One Dollar?
1. LINE/LY me (I am always "hanging" on the internet)--the best way!
2. Email me: iychiang1809@gmail.com
3. My office: B970. The ext. 7970
YouTube: My teaching video/live-streaming 阿原直播與教學影片
YouTube-playlist of this course
IHP: International Honors Program at Kainan University/開南大學國際榮譽學程
EMI: English as aMedium of Instruction/使用英語進行教學
class, I speak English only. That is the rule for teachers, and
meanwhile someone is "looking at/monitoring" me. But during the break or
after class, students can speak Mandarin with me or discuss in the LINE
group. However, I would like to encourage non-English native students
to practice more in any chance)
I studied my PhD program in the US for several years, and I
completely understand the frustration/fear/stress with my not-good
English. Now, I am a teacher, I obligate to help students who are not
English native speakers. Any questions, please let me know.
the KNU's policy: faculty members need to take a roll call every week.
One Dollar will follow the policy and check the attendance every week.
following grading policy is subject to the policy of KNU and IHP. It
would be modified/amended if One Dollar gets the order from
Digitize your notes
Student can buy some tools and use them during the class
1. Writing tablet
2. Keyboard and mouse for your cell phone (it would be better if you bring your laptop)
a. Bluetooth: about $400 --easy to use. Charging while using. But might not stable
b. Wireless ($500 - 1000) with an OTG connector ($50)--stable!
Attendance: According to the KNU policy, faculty should take roll calls every week.
Thus, I will do it every week.
One Dollar's teaching policy
1. Only encouragement, no punishment, no enforcement.
2. Respect how much effort student want to make for this course, and help them.
1. Basic requirements to pass (the score is up to 79)
a. Attendance for 2/3 (the IHP's policy)
b. each student should have a 3-minute presentation on the week 17 or week 18
2. Optional (20%)
a. Digitize your notes on public website(s). Registration is not required to access the website (Thus, some are not good for this, like Facebook, X_twitter, LINE, Instagram) (I suggest some free websites: google blogger or WordPress)
Ten qualified articles related to our course (with appropriate citations and personal opinions) will get 15 marks. (Do
not worry about the misspelling or grammar, I will not count it. You
can use grammar check, but prevent to use AI to generate your "opinions")
b. creative work/interesting task(s)--related to our course: publish a book or poster, translate document to your language.